
The End Of An "Era"

Last friday was my very last day of high school.. It was my last-last day of school, the same school I've been going for seventeen

years, ever since I was one year and a half old.. It actually was my second home, almost every friend I've ever had (untill this year) I met them there, the longest friendships started there, I have two friends that have been so for 17 years, which is almost all my life..I have lots of memories in there, and the thought of having to leave that place of having to start a whole new chapter of my life whith a bunch of new people is weird (and maybe even a bit frightening)
after 17 years, being there became familiar and comfortable.. now I have to head of to the new and unknown..We had a great last day, we just hanged out in the clasroom whith the teachers, and we had out uniform shirts signed, and then at lunch we had a bit of a "celebration", whith the typical last day pranks.. For example some of the other guys grabbed some toilet paper and.. well.. let's just say they re-decorated the yard.. It was almost perfect except for 2 things:1: the fact that only half the generation ended the classes that day, and the other half ends in a few weeks (It sounds weird, but it has to do whith how classes are divided)
2: the fact that me and my class had a test a
t the very last period of the very last day, which isn't the best..
After school we had planed a pool-party at my house (since it's extremely close to school) and of course I invited the guys who didn't finish on friday as well.. but in the end very few people

came(we were 7) and since it wasn't

THAT hot by the time we got to my house we didn't get into the pool (that's ok I'm thinking of throwing anotherone when the other half of the generation finishes) after that 3 of us went to another friend's house and just hanged out there till 1 o'clock or so..
It wasn't the last day I had expected,at school it was a little better than I imagined (too bad it wasn't everyone's last day) and at homw it was much worse, don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun, but it was a bit lame for a last-last school day.. It would have been much better if we had all been together (at least the ones who finished classes that day)



  1. pa, está salado un cambio tan grande, pero las nuevas etapas son geniales para volver a empezar y todo eso :)
    besito enorme!

  2. Recuerdo cuando fue mi último día de clases en el Varela, ese día me enteré que me tenía que rendir examen de contabilidad (woohoo otro más para diciembre! me fuí llorando a mi casa), pero más allá de eso fue un día que me marcó mucho, el saber que no iba a ver a todos aquellos profesores que quería tanto, a mis adscriptos, los salones, todo(mi grupo no porque no simpatizaba con nadie de ahí) me hizo entristecer bastante. Pero como dice Sophie arriba, cuando se cierra una puerta siempre se abre otra, y con el comienzo de esta nueva etapa se tiene muchas sorpresas y nuevas posibilidades de empezar bien :) también te lo digo por experiencia propia.
    Después cuando pasa el tiempo aquellos recuerdos tan lindos que uno tenía de todo eso se vuelven de oro, yo hasta extraño mi uniforme! :P
    Que pases lindo, y a disfrutar de estos días libres!

  3. les estaba respondiendo y la respuesta se me empezo a hacer tan larga (y me gusto tanto el tema) que decidi que voy a responder en un nuevo post..

  4. btw, I have to tell you that you will have to wait a little before reading this answer (not much, maybe a day or two) :P

  5. Muy gracioso venir y encontrar justo un post de este tema, cuando en mi liceo (bueno, el que era mi liceo) se estuvo hablando mucho de lo mismo. Vos que decis que esperabas algo mejor, sentite afortunado: los de la generacion de 6to de mi liceo hicieron la misma jodita, eso de los papeles y musica y todo el paquete, pero para subir las apuestas digamos, se les ocurrio llevar bombas brasileras.. para que. Los directores se agarraron tal calentura que les suspendieron el campamento de despedida de la generacion, una semana antes de que se fueran. Hacete! Es una batalla campal.
    Por lo menos tu destino no fue tan tragico :s

  6. pa q hijos de sus madres (los de 6to y los que les suspendieron el viaje)

  7. Bienvenido a la parte de la vida que vale la pena :)

  8. no se vos, pero yo dudo que pueda valer mucho mas que la primera parte (aunque por ahi en algunos aspectos puede ser, pero no creo que vaya a tener nada que ver con dejar el colegio)
