
18 till I die(2) -Bryan Adams-

Well, birthday is 2 minutes away from being over...
At school it felt like any other birthday, a happy special day that's about me! I just love that weird feeling I can't explain, that I get just by knowing it's my birthday...

I was blessed whith good weather (specially after the las couple of shity days we've been having) I slept only 4 and a half hour in my whole birthday, which you may think it's bad, but looking at the bright side I got to sease my birthday time more, but on the other had I'm about to fall asleep on the keyboard (seriously I'm seeng blurry)

At home was a whole different story... Today was the day I celebrated whith family, so my aunts uncles and my godparents came over (my grandparents had previous commitments so they couldn't make it)

At first everything went as any other birthday.. I got to see my godmother who I love and I hadn't seen in a long time, I got enough money present to buy an iPod touch (32gb) on my comming trip to the U.S (my previous iPod died, and I was notified today that he's not comming back.. T.T )

But... at some point, my aunt and my other aunt (actually my uncles wife) got into a pretty big arguement, but it seemed to be a short one (aperently my uncle's wife said somethings to him in a rude way, and my aunt got offended because it was not the place or time to talk to him that way)... but after a while they started again, and again it seemed to have ended, but then I noticed that all three of them were talking in the kitchen... so after that, my aunt stayed sad for the next of the party, and sometimes on the edge of crying (she's extremely emotional and specially lately).. at some points my uncle discused whith his wife in a bad tone, and another aunt (geting a bit confusing to you? sorry whish I could make it clearer) told him not to talk to her that way, because it reminded her of how her ex-husband used to talk to her..

So after my uncle and his wife left, my aunt (the 1st one mentioned) started to get worse, we had to lay her down, and we started talking to her, (she has this problem that she needs to help everyone arround her,and god bless her for that, but spometimes she forgets about herself), we told her that she needed to start worrying more about her self, which she saw as being selfish, I pointed out that in the state she was she couldn't help others, she said that she just couldn't be happy knowing that people she cared about was not, to what I pointed out that if she was going to be unhappy everytime someone she loves is unhappy, then she would always be unhappy, and she said that she IS always unhappy.. she asked "how am I soupused to feel happy knowing that my sister is dead? (I had an aunt who died in september last year, she was 41, and this aunt who I was talking about, was the closest to her) knowing that my brother has an ill kid?"(my little cousin who is 2years old, has some little tumors in her brain and heart since she was born (they seem to be harmless so far) and had an epilecticattack (did I say that rigth?)) so we tryed to make her realise that while her niece was fine, she shouldn't be constantly worrying about that, and we told her that she would have to start dealing whith the fact that her sister's dead (even though it would always hurt), and that she isn't the only one going through that.. One other thing I learned about my aunt today, she's really stubbourn, she just wouldn't give, they sugested her to find profesional help, but nothing..

So, you're probably thinking "what a crappy birthday" and that's what I though too when the argument first started.. I was like "I know they (my aunt and my uncle's wife) hate each other, but they get along just fine every single day, why did they have to choose my birthday to start whith this?" I still feel that way, but I'm not enterily sad that it happened, it's good that we got to talk whith my aunt about her problems, and those kinds of circumstances make me feel closer to people and I like that feeling..

So, in a way I'm happy my grandparents didn't get to come, because this whole situation would have been too much for them, specially grandpa (he has always been abit grumpy and he could never stand this kinds of fights, specially since my aunt died, who can blame him?).. but if they had been there, my aunts and uncles would probably have hold what they had to say, just not to distress them..

Well... it's very late, I'm very tired, so I'm very much(?) going to bed..bye bye
(Is it just me or all my happy fun memories followed by some grim moment since I got this blog??)

Merci Beaucoup for reading thsi extremely long post!!


18 till I die -Bryan Adams-

HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!

well, so it has been my birthday for 25 minutes now... at first I though of writing about this at the end of my birthday, kind of like a summary of how that day went, but then I realised, if I do that I wasn't gonna get my "happy birthdays! until tomorrow here (:P).. and it's not as good when they're out of dat, so you have all today the wish me a happy birthday, and you better do.. nah, just kidding..

So I've been thinking about how this birthday is going to be more special than others, and turns out that even if it will be a bit more special, it wont be THAT much more special... see, so supposedly, the big thing of not being underaged are what? that drinking alcohol is now legal? don't like it... that you get to vote? not for another 3 years (and meanwhile i'm stuck whith a suck goverment sorry if that offends anyone).. I get to drive? yes I do, but even that doesn't exsite me that much.. (well, I won't have more trouble getting to and from french class..probably)...and what else is there?? I get a bigger party than usual? well, yes, but isn't that a little shallow?? don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to my party, but not more than I've looked forward to my regular every-year partyes (well I am a bit more excited about this party than the others, but not because it's gonna be bigger, but because it's going to be my first birthday whith my X-MEN (:D).. some of you may not get that.. )

Please don't misunderstand me, I am very happy that my birthday has arrived, and in a way I am more excited about this one than the others, but it's not for any of the reasons caused by this being the 18th birthday, but because as I said, it's my first birthday whith the X-MEN (still don't get it?) and because it's my first birthday on the blog (i never got to write about my birthday other than in my friends' agendas, but I generaly only write exagerated compliments towards myself, like saying how much better I am than god for example... not that it isn't true :P).. but there's still something more that makes me feel this birthday special, and I'm pretty sure IT IS the fact that it's the 18th one (sounds cpontradictory? just wait:) but it's not for any logical reason (as I mentioned the things that make an 18th bitrhday special, don't apply here or I just don't care about it), so, it's weird to think that I care about this birthday just because if a stupid number.. (not even my favourite number) specially coming from me, that I hate all that stupidity of caring more about certain dates just cause it's the date evryone cares about (sweet sixteen, "fiesta de 15" for example).. not that I care for that reason, but it's weird for me to care for no reason at all..

Well, this is starting to sound really depressing for a birthday post, and I'm not depressed at all, so I don't want you to believe I am..so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S: -the bird bites- I found this cak in google (trying to find a more suitable gambit picture for the date) isn't it just great? (i mean, sure the gambit isn't perfect but still)


Drive my car -the beatles-

Ok so I did promise that the next post would be alittle more intresting.. well I lied deal whith it.. Nah just kidding, it actually was going to be, but I decided to write abou this instead. It's about time I write a "meaningless" post (you know a happy and less melodramatic than m y previous ones)

I turn 18 next wednesday so I'm already allowed to take driving lessons. Driving was never something I looked forward to, in fact if it wasn't something I even wanted to do, I'm only learning so I don't have to depend on others to go places. But it's acctually something that used to scare me a bit, specially in the junctions, because I always feel like the car coming in the other direction is going to hit us, and I just can't imagine how that would feel when I was driving.

So the fact is that I had my first class yesterday, and I started liking it, and it just shocked me how fast my vision could change just by sitting in the driver's seat..

So.. Now I have about 20 lessons ahead of me (more or less depending on how fast I learn), and at 2 classes a week that's about 2-3 months an it just seems like forever, and it's hard to believe that it's going to take that long!



Birthday -the beatles-

Well, I had something much more intresting to talk about, but I have philosophy test tomorrow, so I decided to go with the shortest topic (the other one can wait)

So here's the thing: my birthday is next wednesday, and I'm celebraiting friday night . Saturday night is the birthday of one of my best friends (I know it's weird, but I have two), Maca has her birthday starting in the middle of my party (it's going to be more like a meeting but whatever), and she wanted to celebrate her birthday that night, cause it's her actual birthday. Now, I would be more than happy to rescedual but I'm leaving for two weeks on saturday, so I have no other time to celebrate. So Maca it's going out dancing with our friends on saturday for her birthday, but today she told me that she would be leaving my birthday early to go out dancing with other friends (who are not friends of mine, so they won't be at my party)

Now, what bothers me is: why can't she just go out dancing one night?? is it too mcuh to ask for my best friend to stay with me on my "birthday"? I get that she enjoys going out dancing more than just hanging out, but she can go out dancing on saturday! there's no reason for her to go on friday too! It's abslutely not fair! I mean, it's not like she gets borred at my house! But the fact is that I do get extremely borred when I go out dancing, I hate it! but If weren't going to U.S. I WOULD go out dancing whith her just because that's how she wants to celebrate her birthday, and I believe that friends should do whatever their friends want on their birthdays (ok not whatever, there are exceptions). I just don't get it! the worst part is that last year she and some other friends did the same thing to my other best friend (Sofi) and they had a big fight and she got really mad, until they eventually apologized. Why I don't understand is why if she realised she was wrong that time she is doing it once again, to me! Yes it is HER actuall birthday, but I'm sorry I have no other date to celebrate! I mean c'mon! it's my eighteenth birthday! It is kind of important.

And it's not like she never celebrated her birthday in MY birthday! in fact she did that whith her fifteenth birthday (which is like a sweet 16 for us) and I was more than happy to spend my birthday night at her party and I celebrated the day after whithout complaint (in fact I spent my brother's graduation party worrying about whether or not I would make it to her birthday on time for her entrance)..

I wish I weren's so bad at confrontations so that I could just go and well.. CONFRONT her...

Merci! (it ended up being longer than I expected..)