
Birthday -the beatles-

Well, I had something much more intresting to talk about, but I have philosophy test tomorrow, so I decided to go with the shortest topic (the other one can wait)

So here's the thing: my birthday is next wednesday, and I'm celebraiting friday night . Saturday night is the birthday of one of my best friends (I know it's weird, but I have two), Maca has her birthday starting in the middle of my party (it's going to be more like a meeting but whatever), and she wanted to celebrate her birthday that night, cause it's her actual birthday. Now, I would be more than happy to rescedual but I'm leaving for two weeks on saturday, so I have no other time to celebrate. So Maca it's going out dancing with our friends on saturday for her birthday, but today she told me that she would be leaving my birthday early to go out dancing with other friends (who are not friends of mine, so they won't be at my party)

Now, what bothers me is: why can't she just go out dancing one night?? is it too mcuh to ask for my best friend to stay with me on my "birthday"? I get that she enjoys going out dancing more than just hanging out, but she can go out dancing on saturday! there's no reason for her to go on friday too! It's abslutely not fair! I mean, it's not like she gets borred at my house! But the fact is that I do get extremely borred when I go out dancing, I hate it! but If weren't going to U.S. I WOULD go out dancing whith her just because that's how she wants to celebrate her birthday, and I believe that friends should do whatever their friends want on their birthdays (ok not whatever, there are exceptions). I just don't get it! the worst part is that last year she and some other friends did the same thing to my other best friend (Sofi) and they had a big fight and she got really mad, until they eventually apologized. Why I don't understand is why if she realised she was wrong that time she is doing it once again, to me! Yes it is HER actuall birthday, but I'm sorry I have no other date to celebrate! I mean c'mon! it's my eighteenth birthday! It is kind of important.

And it's not like she never celebrated her birthday in MY birthday! in fact she did that whith her fifteenth birthday (which is like a sweet 16 for us) and I was more than happy to spend my birthday night at her party and I celebrated the day after whithout complaint (in fact I spent my brother's graduation party worrying about whether or not I would make it to her birthday on time for her entrance)..

I wish I weren's so bad at confrontations so that I could just go and well.. CONFRONT her...

Merci! (it ended up being longer than I expected..)


  1. uf, qué enredo :/ Todos nos hemos bancado malas fiestas...música espantosa, tortas asquerosas, juegos bobos por parte de animadores todavía más bobos, y hasta un slideshow de fotos del cumpleañer@ cuando era bebé. Es parte de ser amigo! acompañarlos en sus días, aunque te rompa.

    Supongo que van a tener que llegar a un tipo de acuerdo, siendo el festejo de tu cumpleaños y la fecha del de ella...best of luck, mah chere. Si se pone molesta, sugiero que la dejes hacer lo que quiera y no te amargues por una sóla persona...vas a tener a muchos más para acompañarte :)


  2. B: yo no tengo problema en acompañar cuando ella celebra! x eso me revienta que ella no acompañe..
    Y si, obvio llegado el momento si se va no me voy a centrar en eso, xo ta no me va a gustar tampoco.. Yo que se, en verdad me encantaria poder celebrarlo el sabdo, asi ella podria celebrarlo en fecha, xo ta no puedo, asi que podria bancarsela..

    Wicked: el miercoles (15 de septiembre :D)

    (prometo que el próximo post va a ser un poquito mas decente que esta cosa insignificante)
