
Sorry seems to be the hardest word -Elton John-

It's hard to believe that there's such a thing as being too proud... if you think about it, it's weird that being proud can be a bad thing, what could be wrong about feeling good about yourself or what you do?

The truth is that I am too proud, but not because Ilike myself or what I do too mcuh.. the truth is that being too proud is taking pride to a whole other level, when you just can't admit (to yourself or to others) that you were mistaken, that you did something wrong or that you made a mistake..

This sort of things happen to me often, this is why, one of my biggest fears is to be wrong, to make a mistake, even if it those who hear me would have made the same mistake...
It also happens that I just can addmit that I was wrong, or that I acted out of place or unfairly (it's not always that this happens, but it does happen often) this is why sometimes it's very hard for me to apologyze

This whole thing came to my mind minutes ago, (when I was about to write a post god knows about what just because I felt that it had been too long since my last post) what happened was that my sister told me that I left a door unlocked and the dogs got in and chew a few stuffs, first of all I couldn't admit that it was infact me who left the door unlocked, and then when she got mad at me for answering rudely I didn not only not apologyze, but I also kept arguing with her knowing she was rigth...

It's not that I hate being proud, in a way I like it, but I just hate when it comes to the point that I can't apologyze.. At least I'm not to prud to admit that I'm to proud..

once again, merci!

1 comment:

  1. Finally something new!

    PS. Being proud sucks :/
