
I'm tired -the beatles-

Bonjour mes amis...

I feel betrayed... I feel, I'm tired of being invisible to my own friends (Franco, Lupi, and Matteo.. And a little bit Fede, but with him I'm not all that close, so) I'm tired of the fact that they go out dancing and go on trips together and always leave ME behind!(not that I like to go dancing, in fact I hate it but I like being with my friends)

I've had enough. And in the end it's always the same, they just don't realize I'm mad, and eventually I end up forgiving them without receiveing a freaking apollogy!But I'm not about to do that this time, I'm gona leave it very clear that I'm mad and they won't get away with just a lame "I'm sorry", they'r gona have to do better than that!

It's not fair! I never forget about any of them! I'm always thinking and checking just so that I never leave anyone behind! I go out dancing with them (if I ever get the chance) just because THEY like it!I actually feel like I care more about them than they do about me, and that's just not fair!

I mean it's bad enough that they don't tell me that they are going to a club or going on a trip, but this time it was too much.. What happened was that we were forming our groups to share rooms in the trip we're taking to Italy at the end of the year, and this is a trip I looked forward to all my life, ever since I go to this school , and I always imagined sharing rooms with them, but we never actually talked about it. So we were forming the groups and somehow I was about to end up sharing rooms with them, which made me very happy, but somehow in the blink of an eye they end up forming a group with other people leaving me behind to find my own group!(luckyly I ended up in a group with my childhood friends, but I didn't wanna share rooms with my childhood friends I wanted to share rooms with my current friends!) and I know it's not that big a deal but it's the fact that they keep ignoring me and I just let them do it, but not anymore!

I'm just sick, it's always the same it's always me who they forget about! And I'm always very insecure about wether my friends are actually true to me, but who can blame me when they keep pulling things like this! I mean I don't know what would I do if I didn't have my two best friends who never leave me behind and who are always there to listen to me complaining . This proves that girls are better friends than guys.



  1. Uno siempre tiene ese grupito de amigos que por lo general piensan más en ellos mismos que en el conjunto... Igual no da para quemarse... Desinteresate del tema y listo... Hacele lo mismo vos a ellos....

  2. NO creo que sea tanto que piensan tanto en ellos mismos sino que mas bien no piensan tanto las cosas (como yo que las pienso mil y una veces) o sea solo pretendo que se den cuenta lo que g¡hicieron y que me molesto, xo ta grcias x pasarte!!y gracias por mi primer comentario!!^^

  3. Personalmente tuve del estilo que sí sabían cuando me molestaban ciertas actitudes, pero hacían como que no. A esos los dejé atrás, pero en el momento costó, porque eran amigos de muchos años y etc..
    Y algunos lo hacen no por maldad, pero por falta de empatía o simplemente porque no se les ocurrió que quizás te molestaría. Con ellos, a veces hablarlo me ha servido; no una confrontación, sino un "y qué si....".
    Dales un empujoncito, si son realmente tus amigos; quizás te terminen sorpendiendo! (espero que así lo sea)

    take care, shugah.

  4. yo estoy seguro que son del segundo tipo, es mas ya vinieron a hablarme por lo menos los dos que en verdad me importa, y con uno pude hablarlo todo (pero no es ningun progreso porque justo ese es con el que mas hablo las cosas, y el que menos culpa tiene) y con el otro no se dio la chance de hablar todas las cosas anteriores a lo del viaje que hasta ahora me las vengo guardando..

    thank you ma chere
