
Some might say -oasis-

So what if I'm weird?? So what if I like to dress up as a super hero and go to conventions with other people who like to do so?
I mean who are people to judge?? specialy a masculine, bisexual, hermafrodit girl! (I'm not actually that homofobic (or whatever the hell that's called) but I'm just mad at that "girl", in fact she isn't really bisexual (that I know of) but she might as well be), don't get me wrong it's not all that bad that she pointed that out, at least I don't have to keep pretending I like her anymore.

I'm just tired of people making me feel like an idiot for who I am! I know I'm weird but what's wrong with that? in fact I think it's a good thing, being weird means being diferent, original, and there's nothing wrong with that!

It's not that I really care about what they think it's just tiresome that people keep pointing out how diferent I am as if it was something bad..

After all it's like my friend "B" says: "Who wants to be conventional anyway?"

(I'm not in the mood for thanking today..)


  1. who says you gotta thank each day? Some days it's okay to be a little selfish :)

    thanks for the mention, shugah, I only started following you today because I was stupid and completely forgot to follow you earlier :( My apologies.

    It's hard being who you are, God knows I still don't have a freakin' clue about anything and haven't figured myself out!!

    But here's a piece of advice taken from one unconventional person I care a lot about: if you're good at it, if you enjoy it, if it makes you happy...then fuck the rest.

    'Tis your life. It's hard, but I think you're strong and a few nasty looks won't hurt you ;)

  2. well thanks for stoping by!
    Thanks for following but it doesn't really matter when u started following
    And i don't really care what some people may think I definitly dont care about what she thinks, but she did take me by surprise because I didn't imagine she would start attacking me, and I certantly didn't imagine hse would bring up the cosplay (I didn't even knew she knew, since most people in my school don't know, even though it's on facebook).

  3. I love being weird!
    I'm actually proud of it. Not swimming with the current, that's having a personality.

    Fuck the rest

    PS: Apply B's selfish mantra number 2!

  4. I know I like it too, and of course I'm not gonna care about what some people say, but it does bother me that they think they have a say in how i am
