I'm very tired, and I want to go to sleep, but I just feel like this post can't wait.. If I let it wait, I'm gonna loose the excitement I have right now, and I probably will forget a lot of things I'm thinking about now (heck, I'll probably forget some while I'm writing)
So, today I went whith Sofi (my best friend) and her cousins to see HP7 part 1.. Putting aside how much I liked being whith her and her family, and getting to socialize whith them more than I had before (because I always wanted us to be the kind of freinds who are so close that we even get along whith the other's family who have a relationship whith the other's family and are "well" known by the other's family, and this was a 1st (maybe 2nd) step to achieve that), I have to say, it's just great! I think I can safely say, that is the best movie so far.. I just loved it.. The scenery was great, just as I pictured it, and the whole movie kinda gave me the same feeling as the book (it's hard to explain it but I'm kind of trying to say that it felt pretty similar to the book).. Very few things were left behind, and most of them were just details (there were some things that were a LITTLE important and weren't in the movie, but they still have time to appear in the 2nd movie, and even if they son't it makes no difference)
Unfortunately when I got home, my older sister "V" and my brother "N" were sleeping so I sisn't get to share my experience whith them yet and I was looking forward to doing so (HP is a thing that we three share, along whith my mother, but she's away and she hasn't read the 7th book yet..)
a few of the things that are missing (that as I said are not very important) were an argument between lupin and Harry about how Lupin shouldn't be participating cause of his upcoming baby (alse they didn't talk about the baby yet, but it's pretty obvious that they'll mention him in the next movie)
Also ted's father doesn't appear on this 1st part (and he should have, but then again he'll probably appear in the 2nd part)
this one is not an error but merely a curiosity.. my friend pointed out that the invisibility cloak didn't appear at all (and in the book they use it a lot) my guess is that they'r trying to put the attention of those who hadn't read the book out of the cloak, so it isn't so obvious that harry's cloak is the death's cloak.. b8ut that's just my guess
SPOILERS (if you haven't read the book or you don't remember the deaths)
I must addmit that I almost cryed when Hedwig (I still believe that that death was totally unnecesary)
And I got even closser to crying whith dobby's death, I did spill one or two tears for him (I kinda wished I cryed more, I don't know why).. (madeye's death didn't afect me very much.. what can I say? I'm not that fond of him, sorry madeye!)
well, I really don't know how to conclude this post... I'll just say that it was agreat movie and I had a very good time
Merci (sorry I don't know why, but I wass unable to find a smaller image)
P.S: THE BIRD BITES (this time th P.S was just to say that XD)
So, today I went whith Sofi (my best friend) and her cousins to see HP7 part 1.. Putting aside how much I liked being whith her and her family, and getting to socialize whith them more than I had before (because I always wanted us to be the kind of freinds who are so close that we even get along whith the other's family who have a relationship whith the other's family and are "well" known by the other's family, and this was a 1st (maybe 2nd) step to achieve that), I have to say, it's just great! I think I can safely say, that is the best movie so far.. I just loved it.. The scenery was great, just as I pictured it, and the whole movie kinda gave me the same feeling as the book (it's hard to explain it but I'm kind of trying to say that it felt pretty similar to the book).. Very few things were left behind, and most of them were just details (there were some things that were a LITTLE important and weren't in the movie, but they still have time to appear in the 2nd movie, and even if they son't it makes no difference)
Unfortunately when I got home, my older sister "V" and my brother "N" were sleeping so I sisn't get to share my experience whith them yet and I was looking forward to doing so (HP is a thing that we three share, along whith my mother, but she's away and she hasn't read the 7th book yet..)
a few of the things that are missing (that as I said are not very important) were an argument between lupin and Harry about how Lupin shouldn't be participating cause of his upcoming baby (alse they didn't talk about the baby yet, but it's pretty obvious that they'll mention him in the next movie)
Also ted's father doesn't appear on this 1st part (and he should have, but then again he'll probably appear in the 2nd part)
this one is not an error but merely a curiosity.. my friend pointed out that the invisibility cloak didn't appear at all (and in the book they use it a lot) my guess is that they'r trying to put the attention of those who hadn't read the book out of the cloak, so it isn't so obvious that harry's cloak is the death's cloak.. b8ut that's just my guess
SPOILERS (if you haven't read the book or you don't remember the deaths)
I must addmit that I almost cryed when Hedwig (I still believe that that death was totally unnecesary)
And I got even closser to crying whith dobby's death, I did spill one or two tears for him (I kinda wished I cryed more, I don't know why).. (madeye's death didn't afect me very much.. what can I say? I'm not that fond of him, sorry madeye!)
well, I really don't know how to conclude this post... I'll just say that it was agreat movie and I had a very good time
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Merci (sorry I don't know why, but I wass unable to find a smaller image)
P.S: THE BIRD BITES (this time th P.S was just to say that XD)
Me gustó el post, la verdad cuando vi que lo subiste al blog esperé para ver la película (y no comerme tremendo spoiler adelantado :P ). Yo en lo personal no soy una gran fan de HP, alguna vez intenté leer el primer libro, pero creo que tenía que estudiar para un exámen y no lo terminé nunca, además con el tiempo me fue ganando la pereza y me calló la ficha que la literatura "fantástica" si la puedo llamar así, no es mucho de mi atractivo; de la historia de HP la conosco por ver las películas (y espero no tener una multitud enardecida frente a mi puerta por este comentario ).
ReplyDeleteAyer de pura casualidad saliendo de clases pasé por la casa de mi novio, quien había arreglado con unos amigos para ver la película a las 10 en el shopping, y como llevaba suficiente dinero arriba y la targeta joven me uní a la propuesta, para decir la verdad, al no leer los libros y no haber visto la película anterior (jaja ando volando yo re actualizada XD ) tuve que pedir bastante explicaciones sobre el desarrollo (y el beso de Harry y Jenny fue mi mayor WTF?! de la noche). Y yo también le dediqué una lagrimita a Hedwig en su sacrificio por su amo, era algo que no me lo esperaba, y creo que también era innecesaria esa muerte, pero en fin, una película muy disfrutable y entretenida, esta es de las pocas películas de Harry Potter que no le pegué el ojo de encima, me encantaron los efectos, y los recursos de flashback que utilizaron, y las escenografías de los bosques y las costas inglesas se llevaron mis aplausos.
ps: me hago una auto-quote, en la parte que escribí "esta es de las pocas películas de Harry Potter que no le pegué el ojo de encima," en realidad mezclé el "pegué" con "saqué" asi que es solo cosa de sustituír palabras
ReplyDeleteY que significa the bird bites? :/
Yo todavía no la vi la peli, pero cuando la vea prometo volver al post y firmar.
ReplyDeleteMe sumo a la moción de a* para saber que es "the bird bites"....
a*: la verdad me desiluciona un poco saber que sos de los de las pelciulas (:P) (no me importaria para nada si no fuera por lo malas que son algunas peliculas)
ReplyDeletewicked: bueno, espero tu opinion sobre la pelicula (no se si llegare a postear antes de que la veas, pero haya post nuevo o no, vos aporta con tu opinion)
a*, wicked: bueh, la verdad a ustedes capaz que les parece un poco idiota, pero el "P.S: the bird bites" es de una de las peliculas HP (no se si aparece tambien en el libro, no importa) la verdad no lo usaria (probablemente ni me acordaria de esa frase) si no fuera porque entre mis amigas (fans de HP) y yo esa frase se hizo un poco un "chiste interno".. no me acuerdo porque (a esta altura ni me imagino porque) pero se ve que en el momento nos hizo mucha gracia, y ta, lo uso capaz que un poco "en honor" a ellas..
no se si se fijaron (supongo que si) que cada vez que hago un P.D en un post cito esa frase.. y bueno, por el tema de este post lo puse a pesar de no tener nada mas que poner en el P.D.. (repito, capaz que les parece idiota a ustedes, pero para mi tiene motivos "sentimentales")
My sons girlfriend saw the movie last week and loved it. Dressed up for it as well. Glad you weren't disappointed Remy. Just wanted to let you know also that we won't keep all the baby rats. Pet shops are happy to take them and I really don't want that many here. It's just too hard mainly cause the cats and dogs sit there thinking ...lunch!!!!
ReplyDeleteClaro era por eso que preguntaba, me parecía haberlo leído ya en algún lado, si, no era una lechuza que le mordía un dedo a Harry? o era el fenix de Dumblendore? :P
ReplyDeletejackie: thx for stopping by, i'm glad you're not keeping them all, I mean, maybe it's a bit sad to separate them from their parents, but I think it's better than letting them become lunch O.o
ReplyDeletea*:yeap, una lechuza que le manda sirius black..