New York
After a long but fun train ride, we got off at 

The next day we got up and got into one of those double decker buses that give you a tour around the city, and we got of at the Natural Hisory museum where we had to

wait cause we got there early. In these museum was when I started to get along whith the one person Ihad had the least contact whith so far, Andrea, we kind of got "lost" together and we started to goof around the museum trying to find the exit as Andrea used me as her fotographer, I discovered that she's a really funny person who laughs pretty easily (If I had let myself, I'm sure I would have developed a minor crash on her). Afterwards we went to the Metropolitan Museum (which is awesome). And after some more time at the double decker Lore, had a pretty bad asma attack, the double decker had to stop until the ambulance got there, and she left whith one of our chaperons to the hospital, the rest of us, got of the double decker a bit later and started walking to the theatre to see mamma mia. I was really afraid

anything. After that, we had dinner at the Friday's across the street (yum)
- Something I didn't tell you is that after Baltimore each day one of us (kids) had to write a little description of what we did that day for our chaperons to post on the trip's blog.. the third day on New York was my turn to writ, so I'll just translate what I wrote (I wrote in spanish) here..(what's writen betwwen { } is what was censored on the blog¬¬, and the

basically and in theory are written in capital leters becasue it was an inside joke between me and lorena) -
"Well, First of all I would like to send my regards to all the familys. Today was our last day in N.Y. We had a very rainy day, the worst one so far. {We were suposed to leave the hotel at 8:00.. at 9:30 we left, this was the begining to what was BASICALLY and IN THEORY a "day of delayments", as Andrea said earlyer today.} After

vising the statue of liberty, we dedicated the rest of the day to shopping, we had lunch at McDonald's and dinner at a place called Jeckyll & Hyde, inspired in the History of Dr. Jeckyll. The place had a gloomy decoration which generated too many screams in behalf of some of my companions. There was a lot of spectacle

and a great part of it dedicated to us, "the Uruguayans from the Alianza". The food was delicious, even though there was more spectacle than food. It was very entertaining. Once again my regards to everyone, and specially my family."..(let me clarify, the one who screamed too much was andrea)
After I wrote that the other boys and I got together in my room and started talking and joking, (again typical guy talk which I don't like). Since they saw I was quiet and I wasn't geting much involved in the jokes they tryed to make me talk and to say some of the grose things they said, and it all made me feel very uncomfortable, they started making jokes about everyone, but specially me, I didn't like the jokes, but I just laughed whith them since they weren't trying to laugh at me but whith me.. I think that this was the night they fully understood that I'm weird....
The next day we woke up early and took a plane to Orlando..

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