
A little brightness

Ok, this is a stupid useless post, I just finished a phone conversation whith my best friend Sofi, and I felt this litlle happiness "shock".. And I immediately remembered my blog, and how I usually only write the sad/bad things that happen to me.. So in a way my blog ended up being kind of a dark place (let's face it, whithout the travel posts, this blog would be extremely depressive), and I don't really like it.. I mean O know it's kinda bound to happen, given the use I give to it.. But I would however like to bright it up a bit, and, since I don't have any BIG happy things (not that the bad things I post about are that big) going on right this instant (don't get me wrong, it's not like a have a miserable life or anything like that, in fact I'm very happy, it's just I have like the happines is a general thing in regular messures, whith no big "manifests", and the sad things are more of a recurrive thing whith bigger "manifestsW than the happines.. So in the end I don't get to post any happy things..

So here's a little happy conversation whith my best friend:
So, earlier this afternoon, while I was in the University I got a text message from her asking me at what time do I get in tomorrow, from there, I started replying  and reading her replies during my breaks.. It turns out she wants to have lunch tomorrow before I get to class, you know, just to catch up.. After a while of her not answering my messages asking where to meet at at what time I decided to call, 'cause it was getting late, and we either settled today or we settled today, so I called her, and we had a little chat and settled everything.. (we settled to meet tomorrow at 12 at her house, and we'll see what to do there, but that's unimportant).. The thing is that after we hung up it left me whith this "small" feeling of happines.. We haven't seen each other since  I went to pick her up at the airport, which wasn't all that long ago, but it still left me this little nostalgyc feeling (in a good way) I haven't seen anyone from schol ever since I started College, and ever before that (well just two persons, one I crossed in the street for 3 seconds, and whith the other we took the bus from the University together but still) I really do miss my friends, I really do miss having them whith me all day, I actually miss high school.. (the funny thing is that talking to my brother today, I realised that even if I DO miss it, I wouldn't go back, don't know why.. maybe I just feel that that stage of my life is over and in a way I like that).. I don't know, I'm just glad we are meeting, and I'm glad I talked to her..
It's weird, but I feel like in a way the people I'm meeting  do not really measure up whith my "old" friends .. you'r probably thinking, sure you feel that way you'r just starting there.. But seriously I thought about it that way, and even though the quitances I'm making are nice and are the same "kind" of people my general group of friends is/was and the kind of people I generaly like, they're not the same.. I don't know it's like they kinda fell in a different "sub-category" of that type of people... Trust me, I know what I'm saying.. There  are actually 4 or 5 people that feel like the people I REALLY REALLY like, but the others (and I'm just talking about like 7-9 people in agroup of 40) don't really "fasinate" me.. I'm not saying I'm not ganna befriend them or anything, I still like them, but it feels like they'll never messure up..
See?? even for a happy post, it ended up whith a little bit of a "sad" part.. No, but seriously, I'm happy, and I'm making new friends at the University, and I like them, I'm just nostalgyc, and I know that my current friends are more my kind of people than SOME of the guys at the University.. But then  again in the conversation I had whith my brother today, he mentioned something about how he would go back to his 1st year of college 'cause he is such a different person than he was when he first started (and he's right).. And maybe that's it, maybe it's the how I'll change, that will make the rest of this group of people more my kind..
I don't know, maybe I'm just speaking nonesense this post has gonne way out of topyc, I just started making it up as I wrote it.. It truly is nothing like I pictured in my head.. (I kinda accidentaly combined the post I wanted to write today, whith anotherone I had planned in my head)


  1. ok, you know what? going through my old post I realized, that I don't have all that little happy posts, sure the sad posts are a mojority to the happy ones, but not by much, plus there are a lot of neutral posts (neither happy nor sad), so in avarage you could say my blog is just a tiny bit sad.. I guess that I just got stuck whith the old image I had of my blog, where most of my first posts were sad (and it was a vast majority, acually my first 10 posts where all sad)

  2. Meow, me alegro que al menos seguis en contacto con tus amigos de la scuola, y más todavía que estes feliz de poder verlos, aunque mas no sea a Sofi, siempre es bueno chusmear de la vida de los otros jaja! :P Nah pasando a lo serio, creo que lo estas mediando demasiado, yo también estuve por momentos re feos donde solo podía escribir en mi blog las cosas tristes, y lo seguí haciendo hasta ayer, pero una cosa que aprendí con el tiempo es que, si es bueno y estas feliz, no analices.
    Btw, los amigos de la facu es totalmente entendible, yo de un grupo de 200 apenas rescato 7 u 8, no mucho más, pero ni te hagas la cabeza, los amigos salen en todos lados
