
Freaky me..

Let me star by saying, that when I say freak, I speak of a specific type of freak.. I mean the comic book freak (actually graphic novels, but whatever), the anime freak, the super hero freak, the comic conventions freak.. That type of freak..

You know, it's bad enough to have some jerks telling you that is wrong to be the way you are (luckyly, I don't anymore, and I hardly had any through my life) but when your own family says that...

I mentioned before, and it's something that I think I'll never get COMPLETELY over (but I am pretty near that), that about 3 years ago my own father told me and my sibilings (particularly my brother and I, and specially my brother) that he didn't like the way we were.. Sure, he knew we were good peopl, and wehad nice principles etc etc, and he did vaalue that, but the fact of us being freaky (I wasn't actually all that freaky back then, (not that I am all that freaky now) but I was something like that) and not liking sports was stronger than that.. Sure he apologyzed the day after, and he "came to terms" whith the way we are, but I know he'd still rather us being sportive and all that.. In a way we both moved past that, and in a way we are both still stucked whith it.. It reflects on they way we both feel whenever he throws a coment like "hey wanna go to the stadium tomorrow?" (or things like that) when he knows we don't want to.. And we immediately redirect that comment to the night when he sayed all thos bad things..

Well.. as I said my father isn't all that big an issue now, and my other never was.. but our sisters kinda are.. I mean they both judge our friends and stuff (I gotta say though, that my older sister V, isn't all that bad.. I think she kinda accepts the way we are.. sure she judges our friends and dislikes freakism, but when it comes to us she's kinda cool about it.. for example she helped us make our costumes for a convention once, 'cause she studying fashion, and she knows a lot more than us about making clothes), but my little sister R, she just hates freakism, and believes everyone should be "normal" like she and her friends are.. and we are not the exception in her book..

We once got into an argument whith her because we heard her and her worst bunch of friends talking about other people at school, and they were extrevelly mean, judging a freaky girl, and two brazilian girls for having brazilian accent, complaining that apparently they were just trying to stand out (like if that made any sense, and like if it was a bed thing).. Another time we got into a fight because she and V, dislike our new friends (the X-men) and think they are too freaky..(some of them are just as freaky as we are, so I don't really understand them)..

Today (actually yesterday now)R, N and I were in the kitchen, making lunch to eat whith our parents who were comming back home from being the weekend away, when V's boyfriend came in accomplanyed by two of V and R's friends (mostly V's).. These ones are nice people, and I have nothing against them, so we small talked while they were here (they came to get something and go back to a hockey game where V was playing), they saw an easter egg which "shocked" them a tiny bit, cause it isn't easter yet, so my brother explained that he knows they only sell them two weeks a year, so he buys them any chance he gets during the two weeks, cause he doesn't eat them only at easter..
When these people left, R started arguing 'cause he embarrased her infront of her friends whith weird talk and stuff (she also complains that we use "weird" words  (which actually are cultured people-words) and says we should talk the "way teens should") so this led on to a  whole argument that ended up on how we were freaks and how that was wrong.. And how we should be normal, like she and her friends are! She says that is wrong for us to like comic books and super heroes 'cause it's not ok for people our age.. Sure it's ok for her and her friends to watch disney movies that were actually ment for ten year olds 'cause that's "normal".. (I don't mean the classic animated pictures, I like those, they were big part of my childhood, and I don't think it's wrong at all to watch those no matter your age.. I mean those stupid musicals they do now at days.. like hsm and stuff).. I asked her to take a moment and think how hurtfull were these things she was saying, you know, saying that the way we are is wrong, to us, her own brothers.. But of course, she stook to what she was saying..But why should I be surprised? We're talking about a girl that used to yell hurtfull stuff to us (this includes V) over the smallest disagreement.. I mean, sure, who hasn't lost it and yelled something mean to a sibiling? god knows I have, but she yelled these things even before loosing it, perfectly consious of what she was saying, and actually trying to hurt us (we knew she was trying to hurt us, so we didn't pay much attention to what she said, but it always hurt a little (at least to me) that she even tryed to hurt us).. Of course we did called her hollow ('cause she actually is, and I'm usually fine whith it, but the moment she started critisizing my way of beying, I just didn't care anymore).. She denyed being so (at least we admit our freakism) and asked me for examples, which I gave, but she didn't think they were valid 'cause of course EVERYONE does that, or at least everyone who's "normal" (which isn't actually true)..

Eventually (once the fight was over) dad and mom came back, and the fight topic eventually came up.. So my father tryed to analize the situation and see what the situation was.. So he was in the kitchen whith R and N, and he asked N "but couldn't it be that you like to play freak?".. sure, in an other situation this question would've been just fine, but right then, it meant that he had taken sides.. maybe out of contest it's not that obvious, but trust me, it meant that (a while later my mother said this exact same thing to me, so trust me, he took sides.. and he took HER side.. no surprizecoming from him).. So this led to a fight between him and N, where N insulted him (he was actually out of line).. And while they were fighting I was whith my mother and R, talking things through, and my mother did the right thing and actually said she was wrong (which my father didn't) and told her there was no reason for her to be ashamed by us, and that the words we used weren't weird, and (in a nice way) told her she actually was kinda hollow, and just as we shouldn't judge her, she shouldn't judge us.. Of course this did not change her mind but still, it's nuce to see somone sees things the way they are... After this, my sister spent the whole day in a bad mood, and took the defensive on EVERYTHING...

So basically, both my sister and my dad are jerks, and my father, really hasn't changed much in the inside (as I always thought, gotta give him a LITTLE credit for trying to hide it just not to hurt us, though..)
This gets me thinking.. and I remember those times when my brother says he actually hates R, and we all tell him that he's too harsh on her, and that he can't hate her, she's his sister, and he overreacts to her hallownes.. And I think of days like today, and think "how can I blame him?" ok, I'm just overreacting and being dramatic.. sure she's still my sister, and I DO still love her.. but at times like this I actually think she doesn't deserve it.. and I think how am I supoused to act from now on? she never apologyzed, and she still feels all those things, so I should be still mad at her.. but she won't say she's sorry, and she won't change her mind. at least not in the near future, so I can't stay mad to my sister forever...
I just hate how she acts like she hates discrimination and racism, but then she does this, I mean, this is discriminating too.. it actually is

C'est ma famille!!


  1. Pa... es fuerte este post, duele pila aveces leer que estas cosas pasan :( para mi en lo personal es como revivir cosas viejas. No voy a decir que "por suerte" nunca me pasó o lo logré superar. En mi experiencia personal mi hermana y yo siempre presentamos un interés mayor por el mundo del frikismo, ambas siempre estuvimos metidas en movidas raras (ella por su parte alguna vez estuvo pseudo metida en el mundo gótico y emo y otras yerbas hace años, y yo en el mundo del anime y comic), mas o menos puedo entender ese vínculo que tenes con Nico, yo creo que lo mejor es que entre los dos se apoyen juntos en esto.
    Si me preguntaran yo me considero una persona normal, que reacciono y siento como el resto de la gente (es decir cuando estoy triste lloro, cuando estoy feliz me río y no tengo tentáculos), pero se que tengo intereses o gustos que no todo el mundo comparte o poca gente se interesa por lo mismo, pero eso como todos los habitantes del globo.
    El que se haya hecho un término despectivo respecto a la gente que se interesa por el mundo del rol/anime/comic/etc. es un tema aparte, siempre van a haber intolerantes y "haters".
    Por lo de tu hermana puntualmente, la verdad no me sorprende que diga esas cosas, y puedo llegar a pecar de entrometida, pero de seguro ella es todavía muy chica y no conoce que en el resto del mundo hay tantos frikis como gente "normal" o no le ha tocado a ella ocupar el lugar de la diferente en algún grupo de gente, igual algún día es de esperar que va a cambiar un poco su mentalidad, o al menos va a madurar para ser una persona mas tolerante con uds. dos...
    Es difícil soportar esos insultos? Si por supuesto! Yo desde que me recuerdo "friki" supe lo incómodo que es explicarle a tu familia y amigos que son los cosplays, los comics y mangas y que los x-men no pertenecen a dc, pero forma parte de mi personalidad esto y hasta que no me canse de ellos o pierda el hábito, no voy a dejar de ser lo que soy, una persona común con gustos diferentes.

    No te sientas mal, intoleracia siempre hay, es que la gente no quiere abrir muchas veces los ojos y aceptar que hay otras realidades aparte de las que tienen en las narices...

  2. Fa... mucha mierda....amerita una charla con vino...

  3. a*: si te soy honesto, yo me considero borderline freak en verdad, y a mi hno solo un poco mas adentro.. no xq me de verguenza ser freaky ni nada, pero es lo que creo ser.. y la verdad es que lo soy desde hace poco.. siempre tuve tendencias al freakismo (siempre me gusto el anime, y me re enganchaba con lo que llegaba a ver en caroon network :P)pero por ejemplo hasta el año pasado nunca habia hecho cosplay, y convenciones habia ido solo a 1 una vez.. (bue, la MC sigue siendo la unica convencion en la que estuve) no se si hasta no me gustaria ser un poquito mas freaky.. aunque no mucho.. creo que existe ser DEMASIADO freaky, sin discriminar a los que lo son.. solamente es un extremo que no me va.. y si te soy honesto toda la onda emo no me cae muy bien.. ojo, tampoco digo que este mal ni nada (seria muy mi hna decir esas cosas) solo digo que no me simpatiza.. no creo que DEBERIAN ser diferentes ni nada.. que si capaz que me caeria un poco mejor que lo fueran? capaz.. y se que esta mal pero ta.. todos tenemos cosas que no nos van.. igual, no dejaria de tener una relacion con alguien por ser emo ni nada que se le parezca.. (de nuevo, estoy hablando solo de los extremos) lamento si ofendo a alguien, pero no es la intencion.. entiendo que esta mal que yo sienta esto pero solo trato de ser honesto.. no siento despresio hacia ninguna de las llamadas "tribus urbanas" solo no simpatizo con algunas y eso es mala mia y lo entiendo..

    yo que se yo en parte entiendo a que se refiere cuando dice "normal" y entiendo que frente a la vision general del mundo eso es lo "normal", pero lo que no comparto es que todos deberiamos cumplir esos estandares.. cada uno es como es y si te gusta te jodes.. eso no te da el derecho a ser despectivo..

    yo que se.. yo el termino freak no lo tomo como despectivo y hasta lo uso para definir lo que soy, solo xq no conozco otro termino que se refiera a los cosplayers, la gente que le gustan los comics o anime, etc. pero en verdad es cierto, freak es despectivo sin ir mas lejos la palabra es la forma despectiva de decir raro..

    y sip.. siempre van a haber haters.. solo duele saber que mi hna es una de ellos.. yo que se.. tampoco creo que le importaria si hubiera MAS freaks que gente "normal" su opinion seria la misma.. y lo mas triste es que le ha tocado ser la diferente.. en algun grupo se han burlado de sus gustos infantiles (tambien tiene amigos a los que no les gusta toda esa porqueria disney-newage)y es mas,siempre fue (sobre todo ante sus ojos) la diferente en uno de los grupos mas importantes a los que pertenece; su familia, o sea nosotros (ta no te digo que en haya sido discriminada en ninguno de los 2 casos, pero la ha pasado mal por eso).. si somos honestos, tambien tengo que reconocer que hemos atacado sus gustos alguna vez, pero nunca a ella, hemos dicho que nos parece que lo de disney no es buena musica (no siempre de ten buena manera, pero por lo gral sin tratar de ofender) no por esto pensamos que ELLA tendria que ser distinta ni nada.. y sabes que? ella puede si quiere opinar que los comics son una estupidez y que el anime es una bobada, y se lo voy a discutir, pero siempre que no sea un ataque a mi persona no me voy a ofender.. esta vez hizo las 2, critico lo que me gustaba (que es aceptable) y me ataco a mi.. bue.. tambien recordar esto me hizo relfexionar, y justo nicolas nunca fue muy tolerante con ella, y desde hace un tiempo el odia como es ella, asi que no se que tanta tolerancia se merezca el por parte de ella (si soy honesto, todos nos hemos desubicado alguna vez criticando sus gustos, pero por lo menos Valo y yo no llegamos al extremo de decirle que esta mal como es)

    y por todo el tema de explicar que es manga anime etc.. si a veces cansa pero eso no me molesta, es mas el simple hecho de que esten sentados ahi escuchando tus explicasiones es algo bueno.. por lo menos significa que les importa

    (ta me inspire y agregue cosas que no tenian nada que ver con lo que dijiste pero bue)

  4. wicked: amerita una charla.. capaz que si.. en lo del vino: none for me thx (I'm not what you'd call a fan :P)

    (perdon, lo tuve que hacer en 2 comentarios xq lo crean o no, me exedi el numero de caracteres.. sorry por esa respuesta innesesariamente larga.. podria ser su propio post si lo pensas..)

    P.D: no pecas de nada.. ya les explique, que si pongo las cosas aca es porque no me molesta que se "metan".. por mi podes decir: "tu hna. es una idiota", "tu hna es una genia y tiene razon" o inclusive: "vos sos un idiota y estas diciendo puras idioteces".. siempre que no sean en una mala los comentarios son bienvenidos!! aclaro: los insultos se los admito solo a los amigos y solo si son en sentido de critica (hcia mi o quien sea) y no agresivamente (se que suena raro un insulto no agresivo, pero ta entre amigos se vale todo :P)

  5. Es decir, para quien quiere freak es un término bueno o malo, para mi nació como una forma despectiva de clasificar a la gente con gustos diferentes al colectivo social, pero bueno, hoy por hoy es un orgullo ser freaky, con todo respeto, yo también celebro el 25 de mayo con doble significado...
    Anyway, sinceramente, me parece que también sería hora de sentarte a hablar en serio con tu hermana y decirle las cosas claras, que si bien a vos no te va la onda "yo banco a disney de aca a la china" al menos se lo respetas, no andas diciendo por ahi que son todos unos enfermitos o que sentis vergüenza ajena de ella, asi que sería bueno que recapacitara un poco sobre eso que te dice.
    Sinceramente me parece patético que viviendo en el país que vivimos, y en el siglo XXI tomando en cuenta que esta tan aceptado ser diferente, y te meten ese discurso en todo comercial y publicidad habida y por haber, tu hermana no sepa tener un poco de discreción y no ser tan ruda con esa opinión.
    En especial porque dudo que vos o Nico estén saltando por la casa vestidos de cosplay, o solo sentados leyendo comics, que se preocupe el día que instalen el WOW en tu casa y no quieran despegarse del monitor hasta llegar a nivel 80 en un día...

    ... y ni hablar si son de la horda!

  6. gracias por tu honestisima opinion de mi hna.. que me digas las cosas asi de directas me genera mas confianza hacia tus comentarios.. me ayuda a saber que no me cagas a versos solo para no herir o molestar o lo que sea.. gracias!

    yyy como te digo esto????... el WOW esta instalado en casa.. en 4 computadoras distintas y con nicolas acabamos de discuir la opcion de instalarlo en una 5ta.. y somos de la horda.. pero esto les molesta mas por el consumo de banda ancha que por otra cosa.. (las puteadas que nos hemos llevado por que el internet esta lento!).. pero bue.. lleva su tiempo instalado, asi que el periodo de adiccion a nicolas ya se le paso.. y ami nunca me engancho.. paso dias sin jugar (que para lo adictivo que suele ser el wow es raro) y tuve un periodo de abandono temporal que me duro como 6 meses..
