
The Eternal Friend

It's not that I'm ugly, it's not that I'm boring, or anything like that (I'm not saying I'm not those things, maybe I am all of them), It's just that (or at least this is what I think) I send out this Friend vibe.. I mean that's the most fiting expleanation I find to the fact that what I find to be good fitting girls for me, whith whom I have very nice relations, just wanna stay friend..

And It's not that it's just the best explanation I could come up with, I kinda see it to.. I've always been good friend with girls,  and I have to admit, even I can't imagine a girl wanting to be other than friends with me... Man, I always liked being close to girls, even today, I love that the two people I can  tell almost anything to are girls.. Now I see it comes at a price..

I guess I could have a shot with somone who I don't have a relationship with somone who I haven't developed a relationship yet, but how can I know if I'm really intrested?? and most importantly, how can I even hava ashot with somone I "don't know" if I can hardly talk with people I don't know (I said HARDLY)..

So, yeap, being a little paranoid, I can say that I'm gonna die alone... But with a lot of girl friends though.. (I actually do really worry about my future that way, If I can't get the girls I know to go out with me, and I hardly ever meet new people, and even if I did, I know my social akwardness would act rigth up )

Maybe I'm just going out of my league (it wouldn't be the first time I think more of myself than I should)

Je Suis Seule..